Brussels Griffon
Published: Last updated: by Kyle J. LarsonAverage size and lifespan
Weight: 7-12lbs
Lifespan: 12 - 15 Years
- Affection
- Kid-Friendly
- Stranger-Friendly
- Dog-Friendly
- Barking Amount
- Grooming Difficulty
- Shedding Amount
- Easy to Train
- Can Be Alone
- Exercise Need
- Cold Tolerance
- Heat Tolerance
- Apartment-Friendly
Brussels Griffon
What a face! The Brussels Griffon has an expressive, adorable face that’s hard to forgot. Sweet and smart, this breed is closely related to the German Affenpinscher and was used to drive out critters from the stables in the 1800s.
They’re not your typical lapdog. The Brussels Griffon requires regular exercise, otheriwse he’ll become bored and disruptive. If he gets his daily walk, however, this spunky, sweet dog is the perfect pet.
All dogs have their own personality and unique training, causing them to differ slightly from these breed stats. However, please let us know if we made an error in the stats, we appreciate your help!
Breed FAQs
Can Brussels Griffons be apartment dogs?
The Brussels Griffons does fine in apartments. They don't need lots of spaces so they should adapt well to apartment-living.
Can Brussels Griffons be left alone?
Brussels Griffons do well when left alone for longer periods of time. They don't tend to have seperation anxiety issues. Just be sure to avoid being neglectful.
Are Brussels Griffons good with kids?
Brussels Griffons can do fine with kids. They will require some monitoring and training to make sure they get along and react well to unpredictable behavior.
Are Brussels Griffons friendly with strangers?
Although Brussels Griffons can take a bit to warm up to a stranger, they are mostly friendly with others.
Do Brussels Griffons get along with other dogs?
Although Brussels Griffons will mostly get along with other dogs, they may have some issues. They can typically be dealt with by socializing them with other dogs.
Do Brussels Griffons bark a lot?
Brussels Griffons are known to bark quite often. This can be irritating for owners who aren't expecting it and they may require some training to limit the amount of barking.
Do Brussels Griffons shed a lot?
Brussels Griffons shed a medium amount. They will have seasonal shedding, but aren't terrible to clean up after.
Do Brussels Griffons need a lot of grooming?
Although Brussels Griffons require a medium amount of maintenance to keep their coats healthy. Simple tasks like brushing and bathing will suit this breed.
Do Brussels Griffons need a lot of exercise?
The Brussels Griffon has a good amount of energy and will need to be exercised with some walks and play to keep them happy.
Are Brussels Griffons easy to train?
Although Brussels Griffons can be a challenge to train, they can be taught with some dedicated work or by hiring some training help.
Can Brussels Griffons handle cold weather?
If you live in a cold climate, Brussels Griffons will do extremely well and may even enjoy being outside in the chilly weather.
Can Brussels Griffons handle hot weather?
Brussels Griffons do well in hot climates and can stay out longer without overheating.