Black and Tan Coonhound
Published: Last updated: by Kyle J. LarsonAverage size and lifespan
Weight: 65-110lbs
Lifespan: 10 - 12 Years
- Affection
- Kid-Friendly
- Stranger-Friendly
- Dog-Friendly
- Barking Amount
- Grooming Difficulty
- Shedding Amount
- Easy to Train
- Can Be Alone
- Exercise Need
- Cold Tolerance
- Heat Tolerance
- Apartment-Friendly
Black and Tan Coonhound Information
Derived from Bloodhounds and Foxhounds, the Black and Tan Coonhound is a rugged, smart, friendly breed. With its keen sense of small, the dog is great on the trail and can stay active for hours. On the flip side, they are also mellow and easy going, and don’t mind spending lots of time on the couch.
Like their name implies, the breed is black and tan in color with “pumpkin seed” markings right above their eyes. Caring for these pups is pretty low maintenance and training is easier for this breed than others. Overall, an excellent choice!
All dogs have their own personality and unique training, causing them to differ slightly from these breed stats. However, please let us know if we made an error in the stats, we appreciate your help!
Breed FAQs
Can Black and Tan Coonhounds be apartment dogs?
The Black and Tan Coonhound needs room to run and play. This makes them difficult to keep in small spaces like an apartment.
Can Black and Tan Coonhounds be left alone?
Black and Tan Coonhounds do well when left alone for longer periods of time. They don't tend to have seperation anxiety issues. Just be sure to avoid being neglectful.
Are Black and Tan Coonhounds good with kids?
Black and Tan Coonhounds do well with kids. As with any dog they should be monitored closely, they're unlikely to become aggressive.
Are Black and Tan Coonhounds friendly with strangers?
Typically, Black and Tan Coonhounds are friendly with strangers. They tend to be open and willing to trust those they don't know.
Do Black and Tan Coonhounds get along with other dogs?
Black and Tan Coonhounds get along great with other dogs. They are very social and tolerate other dogs, where you typically need to watch the other dog more than your own.
Do Black and Tan Coonhounds bark a lot?
Most Black and Tan Coonhounds bark fairly often, which can be a nuisance. Some steps can be taken to limit this, but is part of their nature.
Do Black and Tan Coonhounds shed a lot?
Black and Tan Coonhounds shed a medium amount. They will have seasonal shedding, but aren't terrible to clean up after.
Do Black and Tan Coonhounds need a lot of grooming?
Black and Tan Coonhounds don't require very much effort for grooming. You'll just need to provide typical maintenance and baths.
Do Black and Tan Coonhounds need a lot of exercise?
The Black and Tan Coonhound has a good amount of energy and will need to be exercised with some walks and play to keep them happy.
Are Black and Tan Coonhounds easy to train?
Most Black and Tan Coonhounds are stubborn and will take extra work to train. They can still learn trained behaviors, but will take more effort.
Can Black and Tan Coonhounds handle cold weather?
Black and Tan Coonhounds do well in cold weather. You may need to protect their paws, but they'll do well in colder climates.
Can Black and Tan Coonhounds handle hot weather?
Black and Tan Coonhounds do well in hot climates and can stay out longer without overheating.