Basset Hound
Published: Last updated: by Kyle J. LarsonAverage size and lifespan
Weight: 40-65lbs
Lifespan: 11 - 13 Years
- Affection
- Kid-Friendly
- Stranger-Friendly
- Dog-Friendly
- Barking Amount
- Grooming Difficulty
- Shedding Amount
- Easy to Train
- Can Be Alone
- Exercise Need
- Cold Tolerance
- Heat Tolerance
- Apartment-Friendly
Basset Hound Information
The Basset Hound is one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world. With short legs, long ears and a droopy face, this pup looks sad and forlorn. But don’t worry – they are actually very happy pups, just on the mellow side. One might say lazy.
Patient and kind, the Basset Hound makes an excellent family pet. You do need to walk him, especially considering the risk of obesity in this breed, but not as much as you would other dogs. If you have a mellow, low-key lifestyle, this is the dog for you.
Basset Hound History
While the earliest depictions of short-legged hunting dogs come from Egypt, the modern Basset Hound descends from French dogs which were then bred in Great Britain in the late 1800s.
“Basset” is French for “low”. These scenting hounds were used to hunt foxes and badgers.
Basset Hound Training & Temperament
Basset Hounds were bred to be focused trackers and hunters. This means that it may be tough to get them to focus on your training commands, but with some persistence they are trainable. They are relaxed and loyal but not always overly affectionate.
Basset Hound Exercise
Basset Hounds are a pretty relaxed breed. They only need some regular light exercise like a medium length walk or some other play. After that they’re typically ready to chill out.
Basset Hound Grooming
The Basset Hound has short, smooth hair that can shed quite a bit. It’s best to make sure to brush them at least weekly to keep it under control.
Basset Hound Health
Basset Hounds have long hanging ears which can be prone to infection if they aren’t looked after and cleaned when needed. It’s also important to maintain a healthy weight as they can have joint issues when obese.
All dogs have their own personality and unique training, causing them to differ slightly from these breed stats. However, please let us know if we made an error in the stats, we appreciate your help!
Breed FAQs
Can Basset Hounds be apartment dogs?
The Basset Hounds does fine in apartments. They don't need lots of spaces so they should adapt well to apartment-living.
Can Basset Hounds be left alone?
Basset Hounds do well when left alone for longer periods of time. They don't tend to have seperation anxiety issues. Just be sure to avoid being neglectful.
Are Basset Hounds good with kids?
Basset Hounds are typically excellent with kids. As with any dog it's important to monitor them around children, however they are often very gentle.
Are Basset Hounds friendly with strangers?
Typically, Basset Hounds are friendly with strangers. They tend to be open and willing to trust those they don't know.
Do Basset Hounds get along with other dogs?
Typically, Basset Hounds get along well with other dogs or are easy to socialize with them. It's uncommon that they're overly agressive.
Do Basset Hounds bark a lot?
Basset Hounds are known to bark quite often. This can be irritating for owners who aren't expecting it and they may require some training to limit the amount of barking.
Do Basset Hounds shed a lot?
The Basset Hound isn't a heavy shedder. Some limited brushing and occassional cleaning should help prevent much hair build-up.
Do Basset Hounds need a lot of grooming?
Although Basset Hounds require a medium amount of maintenance to keep their coats healthy. Simple tasks like brushing and bathing will suit this breed.
Do Basset Hounds need a lot of exercise?
Basset Hounds don't need a ton of exercise. You'll just need to provide some basic activity to keep them healthy.
Are Basset Hounds easy to train?
Most Basset Hounds are stubborn and will take extra work to train. They can still learn trained behaviors, but will take more effort.
Can Basset Hounds handle cold weather?
Basset Hounds don't like the cold and will likely want some protection if outside for long.
Can Basset Hounds handle hot weather?
Be careful with Basset Hounds in the heat. They don't do well in hot climates for long periods.