American Water Spaniel

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Average size and lifespan

chihuahua silouette
great dane silouette
Height: 1ft 3in - 1ft 6in
Weight: 25-45lbs
Lifespan: 12 - 15 Years


  • Affection4/5
  • Kid-Friendly3/5
  • Stranger-Friendly3/5
  • Dog-Friendly2/5
  • Barking Amount3/5


  • Grooming Difficulty3/5
  • Shedding Amount1/5
  • Easy to Train4/5
  • Can Be Alone3/5
  • Exercise Need3/5


  • Cold Tolerance2/5
  • Heat Tolerance4/5
  • Apartment-Friendly3/5

American Water Spaniel Information

American Water SpanielThis eager, charming dog is both an excellent retriever, especially in water, and a wonderful companion. Its distinctive coat ranges from wavy to tightly curled and can be liver, brown or dark chocolate in color. While many dogs have long and well-document histories, the American Water Spaniel is a bit of a mystery. Experts speculate that it is descended from the Irish Water Spaniel, Curly-Coated Retriever, Field Spaniel and the now-extinct Old English Water Spaniel.

Very active and easy to train, this breed is a faithful companion, although it can be stubborn at times and aloof toward strangers. Fun fact: The American Water Spaniel is the official State Dog of Wisconsin. This is perfect considering all the lakes in the area and how much this breed loves to swim!

All dogs have their own personality and unique training, causing them to differ slightly from these breed stats. However, please let us know if we made an error in the stats, we appreciate your help!

Breed FAQs

Can American Water Spaniels be apartment dogs?

American Water Spaniels aren't ideal for apartments, but might be able to live there successfully if there are enough opportunities to find larger spaces nearby to play.

Can American Water Spaniels be left alone?

While American Water Spaniels prefer to be around their owners, they can do fairly well when left alone if necessary.

Are American Water Spaniels good with kids?

American Water Spaniels can do fine with kids. They will require some monitoring and training to make sure they get along and react well to unpredictable behavior.

Are American Water Spaniels friendly with strangers?

Although American Water Spaniels can take a bit to warm up to a stranger, they are mostly friendly with others.

Do American Water Spaniels get along with other dogs?

American Water Spaniels aren't usually friendly with other dogs. They tend to not get along unless carefully socialized.

Do American Water Spaniels bark a lot?

As far as dogs go, American Water Spaniels bark an average amount. You can expect them to bark to alert you, get your attention, or when there are strangers or other dogs.

Do American Water Spaniels shed a lot?

The American Water Spaniel rarely, or never, sheds. They're excellent for someone who doesn't want to clean up much dog hair.

Do American Water Spaniels need a lot of grooming?

Although American Water Spaniels require a medium amount of maintenance to keep their coats healthy. Simple tasks like brushing and bathing will suit this breed.

Do American Water Spaniels need a lot of exercise?

A American Water Spaniel will need a moderate amount of exercise to be happy. You'll need to plan some basic walks or fetch during the day.

Are American Water Spaniels easy to train?

Typically, American Water Spaniels are easy to train. They enjoy the bonding process with their owner and are quick to learn.

Can American Water Spaniels handle cold weather?

American Water Spaniels don't like the cold and will likely want some protection if outside for long.

Can American Water Spaniels handle hot weather?

American Water Spaniels do well in hot climates and can stay out longer without overheating.

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