American Staffordshire Terrier

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Average size and lifespan

chihuahua silouette
great dane silouette
Height: 1ft 5in - 1ft 7in
Weight: 45-70lbs
Lifespan: 12 - 15 Years


  • Affection5/5
  • Kid-Friendly3/5
  • Stranger-Friendly5/5
  • Dog-Friendly1/5
  • Barking Amount3/5


  • Grooming Difficulty1/5
  • Shedding Amount2/5
  • Easy to Train3/5
  • Can Be Alone2/5
  • Exercise Need4/5


  • Cold Tolerance3/5
  • Heat Tolerance1/5
  • Apartment-Friendly3/5

American Staffordshire Terrier Information

American Staffordshire TerrierA smart and confident dog, the American Staffordshire Terrier has a very athletic build which makes him great for dog sports that require obedience, agility and tracking. Best identified by his blocky, strong head and stocky body, this breed can come in any color with a number of different markings.

Great with people, the American Staffordshire loves to be part of a family and is easy to train. Another plus: The dog requires little grooming and only a moderate amount of exercise. Although you should watch out because they love to chew on things and dig in the ground!

All dogs have their own personality and unique training, causing them to differ slightly from these breed stats. However, please let us know if we made an error in the stats, we appreciate your help!

Breed FAQs

Can American Staffordshire Terriers be apartment dogs?

American Staffordshire Terriers aren't ideal for apartments, but might be able to live there successfully if there are enough opportunities to find larger spaces nearby to play.

Can American Staffordshire Terriers be left alone?

American Staffordshire Terriers don't like being left alone for too long. They tend to show some symptoms of seperation anxiety when left apart from their owners for long periods of time.

Are American Staffordshire Terriers good with kids?

American Staffordshire Terriers can do fine with kids. They will require some monitoring and training to make sure they get along and react well to unpredictable behavior.

Are American Staffordshire Terriers friendly with strangers?

American Staffordshire Terriers love other people and will tend to run up to them for affection. They quickly become great friends with anyone.

Do American Staffordshire Terriers get along with other dogs?

Expect American Staffordshire Terriers to not get along well with other dogs. Socializing this breed to other dogs may be a difficult process.

Do American Staffordshire Terriers bark a lot?

As far as dogs go, American Staffordshire Terriers bark an average amount. You can expect them to bark to alert you, get your attention, or when there are strangers or other dogs.

Do American Staffordshire Terriers shed a lot?

The American Staffordshire Terrier isn't a heavy shedder. Some limited brushing and occassional cleaning should help prevent much hair build-up.

Do American Staffordshire Terriers need a lot of grooming?

With a American Staffordshire Terrier you won't need to dedicate any extra time to special grooming. Their coats are easy to deal with.

Do American Staffordshire Terriers need a lot of exercise?

The American Staffordshire Terrier has a good amount of energy and will need to be exercised with some walks and play to keep them happy.

Are American Staffordshire Terriers easy to train?

Although American Staffordshire Terriers can be a challenge to train, they can be taught with some dedicated work or by hiring some training help.

Can American Staffordshire Terriers handle cold weather?

Although American Staffordshire Terriers can handle the cold weather when out with you, they may not want to stay out for long periods of time.

Can American Staffordshire Terriers handle hot weather?

It's best not to have a American Staffordshire Terrier in hot temperatures for long as it can be dangerous to their health.

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