Presidential Dog Names [Infographic]
Published: Last updated: by Jessi LarsonThere’s something about a US President and their dog that just feels right. At My Dog’s Name, that got us thinking: What are some cool presidential dog names? And what are other cool political-themed names for a pup?
We searched high and low for names that best represent the red, white and blue, and created a fun infographic with presidential dog names you might enjoy.
Presidential Dog Names Infographic
Check out this infographic featuring some highlights from the presidential dog names. Feel free to share it or add it to your site, we just ask that you link back to My Dog’s Name!
All the President’s Dogs
(the ultimate list of presidential dog names)
Throughout the history of the United States, our country’s commanders in chief have had dogs. Some have had one, others had many.
What we can say for sure is that there have been dozens of dogs in the White House. And this provides lots of great presidential dog names you can use for your new pup.
Here’s a look at all the presidential dog names, from George Washington up to Joe Biden.
George Washington
- Sweet Lips – American Staghound
- Scentwell – American Staghound
- Vulcan – American Staghound
- Drunkard – Black and Tan Coonhound
- Taster – Black and Tan Coonhound
- Tipler – Black and Tan Coonhound
- Tipsy – Black and Tan Coonhound
John Adams
- Juno – breed unknown
- Satan – breed unknown
Thomas Jefferson
- Buzzy – Briard
James Monroe
- Buddy – Spaniel
John Tyler
- Le Beau – Italian Greyhound
Franklin Pierce
- Seven miniature dogs (names unknown)
James Buchanan
- Lara – Newfoundland
- Punch – Toy Terrier
Abraham Lincoln
- Fido – yellow mutt
Ulysses S. Grant
- Faithful – Newfoundland
- Rosie – breed unknown
Rutherford B. Hayes
- Dot – Cocker Spaniel
- Hector – Newfoundland
- Duke – English Mastiff
- Grim – Greyhound
- Juno, Shep and Jet – breeds unknown
James A. Garfield
- Veto – breed unknown
Grover Cleveland
- Name unknown – Poodle
Benjamin Harrison
- Dash – Collie
Theodore Roosevelt
- Pete – Bull Terrier
- Skip – Rat Terrier
- Jack – Terriers
- Peter – Terriers
- Blackjack – Manchester Terrier
- Manchu – Pekingese
- Rollo – Saint Bernard
- Sailor Boy – Chesapeake Bay Retriever
- Gem – breed unknown
- Susan – breed unknown
William Howard Taft
- Caruso – breed unknown
Woodrow Wilson
- Davie – Airedale Terrier
- Mountain Boy – Greyhound
- Bruce – Bull Terrier
Warren G. Harding
- Laddie Boy – Airedale Terrier
- Old Boy – Bulldog
Calvin Coolidge
- Rob Roy – White Collies
- Prudence Prim – White Collies
- Peter Pan – Terrier
- Paul Pry – Airedale Terrier
- Calamity Jane – Shetland Sheepdog
- Tiny Tim – Chow Chow
- Blackberry – Chow Chow
- Ruby Rouch – Collie
- Boston Beans – Bulldog
- King Cole – German Shepherd
- Palo Alto – Bird dog
- Bessie – Collie
Herbert Hoover
- King Tut – Belgian Shepherd
- Pat – German Shepherd
- Big Ben – Fox Terriers
- Sonnie – Fox Terriers
- Glen – Scotch Collie
- Yukonan – Eskimo dog
- Patrick – Irish Wolfhound
- Eaglehurst Gillette – Setter
- Weejie – Norwegian Elkhound
Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Fala – Scottish Terrier
- Majora – German Shepherd
- Meggie – Scottish Terrier
- Winks – Llewellyn Setter
- Tiny – Old English Sheepdog
- President – Great Dane
- Blaze – Mastiff
Harry S. Truman
- Feller – Cocker Spaniel
- Mike – Irish Setter
Dwight D. Eisenhower
- Heidi – Weimaraner
John F. Kennedy
- Pushinka– a mixed breed dog given as a gift by the Russian premier. (Pushinka was the puppy of Soviet space dog Strelka.)
- Shannon – Irish Cocker Spaniel
- Wolf – most likely Wolfhound and Schnauzer
- Clipper – German Shepherd
Lyndon B. Johnson
- Him – Beagle
- Her – Beagle
- Edgar – Beagle
- Blanco – White Collie
- Freckles – Beagle
- Yuki – mixed breed
Richard M. Nixon
- Vicki – Poodle
- Pasha – Terrier
- King Timahoe – Irish Setter
- Checkers – Cocker Spaniel
Gerald Ford
- Liberty – Golden Retriever
- Misty – one of Liberty’s puppies
Jimmy Carter
- Grits – Border Collie
- Lewis Brown – Afghan Hound
Ronald Reagan
- Lucky – Bouvier des Flandres
- Rex – Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Victory – Golden Retriever
- Peggy – Irish Setter
- Taca – Siberian Husky
- Fuzzy – Belgian sheepdog
George H. W. Bush
- Millie – Springer Spaniel
- Ranger – One of Millie’s puppies
Bill Clinton
- Buddy – Chocolate Labrador Retriever
George W. Bush
- Spot “Spotty” Fetcher – English Springer Spaniel
- Barney – Scottish Terrier
- Miss Beazley – Scottish Terrier
Barack Obama
- Bo – Portuguese Water Dog
- Sunny – Portuguese Water Dog
Joe Biden
- Champ – German Shepherd
- Major – German Shepherd
Overall, 33 out of 46 presidents have owned dogs. That’s almost three-quarters of all presidents!
If you’re interested in learning more about presidential dogs, another fun site to explore is Presidential Pet Museum. It’s fun to see the inspiration behind all these presidential dog names.
Donald Trump’s Dogs
There were rumors that Donald Trump has a Yellow Labrador named Spinee, but that is in fact not true. Trump is the first president without a pet since Harry Truman.
Presidential Dog Names
Switching gears a bit, here’s another nod to US politics: American presidents throughout history. In fact, some of these names are quite popular with pet owners.
To date there’s been 43 presidents. But not all of these guys make for great dog names. Instead, we picked out the most well known and dog-name worthy.
- Washington – This guy is the OG of US presidents. As the first Command in Chief ever, he is considered one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.
- Lincoln – Abraham Lincoln goes down as one of the best presidents in history, if not the top. He preserved the union, shut down slavery and saved the economy, among over things.
- Roosevelt – This can stand for either Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president, or Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd president.
- Teddy – The nickname for Theodore Roosevelt.
- Franklin – Representing Franklin D. Roosevelt. His middle name, Delano, also makes a fun dog name. Or you can call him FDR.
- Kennedy – John F. Kennedy is one of the most iconic presidents of modern time.
- Jefferson – Going way back, Thomas Jefferson, the country’s third president and a founding father, can also be considered for a dog name.
- Woodrow – Woodrow Wilson led the United States throughout World War I.
- Clinton – We had to add Clinton to the list in honor of Hillary’s husband Bill, the 42nd president.
- Carter – Jimmy Carter wasn’t the most effective president, but he is now recognized for his social and diplomatic efforts post-presidency.
- George – This recognizes a number of presidents – George Washington, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.
- Bush – Or, you can go with the last name of the latter two.
- Lyndon – Lyndon B. Johnson became president following the assassination of JFK and then was elected to another term.
- Eisenhower – Dwight D. Eisenhower was a five-start general who went on to become the 34th president of the United States.
- Truman – Harry S. Truman presided over the end of World War II.
- Nixon – Who can forget Richard Nixon, perhaps best known now for the Watergate scandal.
- Jackson – Going way back in time once more, we’re adding Andrew Jackson, president from 1829 to 1837, to the list.
And if you do want to look into the names of the presidents since 1789, here is a list. Because, hey, maybe James K. Polk is totally your style. No judgement here – pick whatever presidential dog names float your boat!
Dog Names Inspired by Other Political Figures
It’s not just presidents who have made their mark on United States politics. Many other individuals have made giant contributions to our country, and their names also provide great inspiration when naming your pup.
- Benjamin Franklin – One of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Benjamin Franklin made innumerable contributions to the development of our country.
- Martha Washington – Use the full name or just go with Martha. Either way, it’s a cool tribute to the country’s original first lady.
- Jackie O – Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, or Jackie O for short, was one of the most iconic first ladies in history. She embodied strength, style and elegance.
- MacArthur – Five-star general Douglas MacArthur will go down as one of the greatest military leaders in history.
- Patton – George S. Patton made his mark in World War I as the first officer assigned to the new U.S. Army Tank Corps before becoming one of the most prominent military commanders in World War II.
- Condoleezza – As in Condoleezza Rice, the American political scientist and diplomat who served as secretary of state under George W. Bush.
- Michelle – A nod to Michelle Obama, the outgoing first lady.
- Eleanor – Another great first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt was a renowned diplomat and activist in her later years.
- Susan B. Anthony – An American social reformer and women’s rights advocate, Susan B. Anthony played a pivotal role in the women’s suffrage movement.
- Dolley Madison – The wife of James Madison, Dolley was noted for her social graces, which led to her becoming one of the most popular first ladies in history, even to this day.
Other Political Dog Name Ideas
The name of presidents or their dogs isn’t the only way to go if you’re looking for political dog names. There are so many other ideas that represent American politics and also make excellent dog monikers. Take these for example.
- D.C. – As in the nation’s capitol.
- Pres – All the cool kids are calling it Pres these days.
- Veep – The shortened term for the vice president.
- Gov – Love the name Gov, which can be an abbreviation of governor or government.
- Lefty – A fun name if your political views are left leaning.
- Righty – Or if you’re a conservative, Righty is more like it.
- Senator – As in a member of the senate. (Yes, we’re being obvious.)
- Capitol – The building in Washington, D.C., used by the Congress of the U.S.
- Ballot – Where a voter makes their mark!
- Veto – As in the power to reject bills passed by the legislature. Love this adorbs political dog name.
- Pundit – This cute political dog name is inspired by political commentators.
- Patriot – What better way to show your love of our country than with this dog name?
- Republic/Republica – Another fun, unique patriotic dog name.
- Justice – Our country’s constitution and laws are designed to provide justice for all.
- Freedom – The United States also stands for freedom, another great dog name.
- Liberty – Last but not least is liberty, the independence from external rule and government control.
Looking for more great dog names? Try our dog names search!