Husky Dog Names – 175+ Great Names for Your Husky
Published: Last updated: by Jessi LarsonHusky dog names – there are so many good ideas; where do you start?
Well, it’s not hard to find inspiration for husky dog names.
The geography where they’re from and the weather in these areas supply great name options.
We also found cool names related to the breed personality, mythology, famous huskies, and even the direwolves from Games of Thrones!
Husky Dog Names – Geography & Nature
The Siberian Husky originated in the Siberian region of Russia. The breed was later brought to Alaska, where it was used as a sled dog.
Since Siberian Huskies hail from northern, cold climates, we’ve used this as inspiration for names, drawing ideas from cities, regions, weather, nature, and more.
- Alaska
- Alpine
- America
- Aspen
- Aurora (Rory)
- Avalanche
- Blizzard
- Cheyenne
- Dakota
- Denali
- Fargo
- Frosty
- Glacier
- Hawk
- Ice
- Juneau
- Kenai – (a city in Alaska)
- Koda
- Kodiak
- Kona
- Luna
- Nome
- Polar
- Rain
- River
- Shadow
- Siberia
- Sierra
- Sky
- Snow
- Storm
- Timber
- Tundra
- Winter
- Yeti
- Yukon
Badass Husky Dog Names – Strong, Tough Ideas
Stoic and strong, Huskies are independent dogs bred to endure the harshest climates and conditions. Sure, anyone who has a Husky will tell you how sweet and affectionate they are. But historically, Huskies have been known for their strength and toughness.
- Ace
- Apache
- Apollo
- Athena
- Bandit
- Blaze
- Bear
- Bolt
- Boomer
- Chief
- Fang
- Grizzly
- Harley
- Havoc
- Hunter
- Jax
- Jet
- King
- Legend
- Loki
- Magnum
- Major
- Maverick
- Nitro
- Odin
- Outlaw
- Ozzy
- Ranger
- Rebel
- Rocky
- Saber
- Sable
- Scout
- Stella
- Thor
- Thunder
- Trapper
- Walker
- Wolf
- Wrangler
- Zeus
Get more tough male dog names and female dog names.
More Male Husky Dog Names
If you have a boy dog, here are more husky dog names that might just fit your pup.
- Atlas
- Balto (this legendary black and white husky has quite the history)
- Banshey
- Beau
- Blue
- Boris
- Chinook
- Comet
- Cooper
- Cosmo
- Dante
- Dash
- Echo
- Fable
- Finn
- Fritz
- Houdini
- Huck
- Ivan
- Jack
- Jericho
- Kai
- Leo
- Lobo
- Mako
- Malakai
- Max
- Milo
- Moose
- Neo
- Niko
- Orion
- Oso
- Smokey
- Tucker
- Togo (a famous Alaskan sled dog)
More Female Husky Dog Names
Drawing from the breed’s Russian heritage, nature, and more, here are some more beautiful Husky dog names for your female furbaby.
- Akira
- Alina
- Anastasia
- Anya
- Arya
- Astra
- Babushka
- Bailey
- Bella
- Bianca
- Celeste
- Cheyenne
- Empress
- Freya
- Genesis
- Hera
- Indigo
- Irina
- Elke
- Espirit
- Kira
- Kyra
- Mika
- Mischa
- Misty
- Mya
- Nala
- Nikita
- Nova
- Pearl
- Quinn
- Ripley
- Sadie
- Sasha
- Sava
- Scout
- Shasta
- Sheba
- Shiloh
- Star
- Tasha
- Willow
- Zia
Inuit Siberian Husky Names
- Chinook – warm wind
- Kavik – wolverine
- Miki – small
- Miska – little bear
- Nanuk – polar bear
- Neko – woman
- Sakari – sweet
- Siku – ice
- Silla – god of sky
- Suka – fast
- Tatuk – morning
- Uki – Survivor
- Ulva – wolf
- Yuka – bright star
- Yura – one who is beautiful
Husky Dog Names – Direwolves from Game of Thrones
If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, you’ll surely remember the direwolves, the near mythological dogs adopted by the Stark kids.
- Ghost – a direwolf belonging to Jon Snow, Ghost is an albino with red eyes.
- Lady – Lady, Sansa Stark’s dog, was killed at the very start of the series after an incident with Joffrey.
- Summer – this wolf belonged to Bran Stark.
- Nymeria – adopted by Anya Stark, Nymeria is currently on the loose somewhere in the Riverlands.
- Shaggy Dog – distinguished by its black fur, Shaggy Dog belonged to Rickon Stark.
- Grey Wind – Robb Stark’s dog Grey Wind was killed during the infamous Red Wedding.
Did you know?
Husky is a general name for a type of dog used to pull sleds in northern regions. The word originated as a term for arctic people in general. According to the Dictionary of Newfoundland English, English sailors called the native Eskimos “Huskimos,” which was shortened to Husky. The name later extended to their dogs.
Huskies have a genetic closeness to the gray wolf and are energetic and athletic, with a thick double coat – perfect for cold climates – that can be black, gray, white, or copper-red. Many have striking blue eyes, although they may also be gray, brown, or yellow.
You may notice that your husky loves to run. It’s no coincidence – huskies were bred to run. More than 3,000 years ago, the Chukchi people of Siberia needed to expand their hunting ground, so they decided to produce the ideal sled dog that could withstand cold and display high endurance and survive with little food. Get more husky fun facts.
More Dog Name Ideas
Are you looking for more great name ideas for your husky? Check out these articles on Russian dog names, big dog names, or try out our dog name search!
Do you have other husky dog names? Or tips for new husky owners? Let us know below!
I have met many male Siberian huskies named Logan from X-Men Character Wolverine. My own husky is also named Logan. He named himself, we put names on pieces of paper and put them down in front of him, he picked up wolverine so we call him Logan. Logan fits him too. His demeanour is much like Logan from wolverine.
HAHA That is too cute… I’d totally name a husky Logan as well, BUT my nephew’s name is Logan, I don’t think my sister would appreciate that LMAO
The names are great
i need a female name for a black and white husky but i want something to go wit my male and his name is dakoda koda for short
I was thinking maybe Kita? Or maybe Atoka, Dakota backwards but im not good with names sorry.
How about “Beauty” for a female Husky :) ?
oreo whould be perfect cuz molon is sweet | ¦
How about Carolina. Dakoda is pretty close to the state name. Now you’ll have a carolina.
You could name her Dixie
how about oreo black and white : )
I need a name for a pit bull female puppy I got her from the pound yesterday
i might name her Alpha
my son’s girlfriend’s dog is named wheezie nice name for a female stafirshire pitbull.
I just got a husky dog and I’m thinking of naming him Malone as post Malone the singer. What you guys think ?
Am getting a baby husky don’t know what to name her she white and gray am thinking of Naming her sky
Just got a female black and white husky❤ I named her Rose after my favorite movie Titanic.
Looking for a not so common name for a female Siberian husky. She’s black and white with dark blue eyes. Any ideas?
Sapphire, Anastasia (Stasi for short – pronounced Staw-see),
Tikaani, which means wolf – Tika for short.
peaches how about logan
I have a brown and white puppy his mom is a husky his dad is unknown. Ive been calling him Kooper but i have a so called sister whos son name is Cooper . So im still thinking of a name.’
Rosalyn, how about Copper, Alpha, or Moose?
I’m about to get a white husky with blue eyes ,but im not sure what to name it because I’m not sure if it’s going to be a girl or a boy so any idea for a female name and a male name?
I’m only 12 right now but I’ve grown up with dogs in my life so far and ever since I was 6 I’ve always wanted to get a 2 huskys when I’m older and married. I even planned everything out. 2 husky’s 1 boy 1 girl the boy is older by a few months the boys name is blue (I’ve always wanted to name a husky that I think it’s adorable) and Blue has a grey top coat and white under belly and blue eyes. And the girl has a brown top coat and a white under belly (Yes there are huskys like that I’ve seen one. some people say there rare lol) and she will have brown eyes and her name is Ali. Yep that’s my dream. Let’s hope it comes true when im like 26 I’m 12 lol I’ve got a long way to wait for this!
I just got my kids 2 husky pups and the kids wanna name them Ducky and Rabbit… I love this name game thing… They have 8 days to figure out their names cause thats when they joining our family… I like apache but they the kids choice
What about Oso. Oso means bear in Spanish. my husky is named Oso and it is him perfectly.
Our husky / malamute mix is Neeko.
We have had 5 huskys
Getting a husky pup and trying to come up with a soft husky girl name….
One of our puppies came out Piebald… she was fluffy and we named her “Mishka” for little bear. She sure looked like one!
Husky names I’ve known, I believe they were of Native origins. Male names
Kaylani (Hawaiian)
As for me, I have a couple weeks to pick one. Looking at Russian names currently
my old husky was called Polar
I am thinking about getting another 2 and call them Ice and Demon please feel free to give me any ideas of names
Proud mom of 5 huskys, Nakita, Whisper, Athena, Willow and Winter
My husky girls were Kita, Zhudii, Loosha, Emmi & Nula. Now thinking of names for new pup, so far come up with Shay, Shayla or Kenzie
I like willow name of my baby girl husky😊
i have a male husky pup i named ghost but i havent quite figured out a middle name for him any ideas would be appreciated
Demon was the name of the Husky in Snow Dogs. Boyfriend’s father has one of his granddaughters and my boyfriend’s brother has the daughter (mother to the granddaughter)
Tasi (Tah-See) is also short for Anastasia. I have a girlfriend who goes by that nickname.
I name my female husky storm fits with personality 😂
Had a Auburn huskey dropped on the far end of my 8 acres while i was out with kids, my wife decided to take him to vet hes 3yrs old by vet estimates and has a gash on top his head from something. Sweet and loving walks great on a leash. No chip decided to keep n register him with a chip i decided to name him achillies since he had a injury when we found him. Since i drive truck he will be my new trucking dog. My old 14yr old lab hound mix was service trained got hit by a truck that illegally drove down our drive thinking it was a street. That was yr ago.
I have a Male I named Shilo and I will have a female in a few weeks I named Willow. I may change it to something more unique have to wait and see what her personality is.
I am getting a gray and white husky and it will be a baby and are family is not so sure what to name it and we don’t even know if it is a boy or a girl. So..can someone help me with boy or girl names plz? I have some names for ppl anyway….. 1. Bentley that is my husky’s name Next, 1. Tay-Tay witch is my golden retriever mix Next, 1. Tyke which is a chocolate brown husky that I have so.. ya! I hope ppl will get interested in these names and use them! btw im only 9. UwU
I have a new boy husky black and white. He is 7 months. He is sweet, smart, obedient and fully of energy. I need suggestions for names. I like Rex, but not sure. Help!
abominable is a good name
I like rex you cude name him that
Il breeding my red female husky with another red male husky so im thinking most the puppies are gonna be red i need names for the ones were keeping
I like the name ‘Blue or ‘blu’.
BTW Miss:Veronica thats not nice at all.Try being nice.>:C
This is a public website
Thank ya
My mom had like 6 huskies, and half of the names on here are one of there names. Well done on the website!
And also i’m getting 2 husky pups, and i have no idea what to name them. I all ready have these names for my other dogs: 1. Odie – bernese mountain dog cross with a pyrenees mountain dog and St. Bernard. 2. Griffin – pryenees marmmeera 3. Beryl. Bernese mountain dog and finally Miska our beautiful (like she’s so rare) silver and white husky. Please help me!! Btw, there both red and white huskies.
Togo was the legendary dog that was the hero. Not Balto. Balto was just an easy name to deem the hero. Check your history first.
My Husky Syberian name Madox
I just got a baby boy husky .. he is white and has streaks of yellow/gold.. need an Alaskan uncommon name. Thanks 😊
I’m getting a husky rescue tomorrow from an abusive situation…….Game of Thrones female name?? She’s a survivor….💗
I realize you’re probably just a kid who thinks they’re being informative but you probably should have read this a little better. It doesn’t say Balto was THE hero. It says “this legendary dog has quite the history” with Balto’s Wikipedia linked, which in no way disrespects Togo. They even included Togo’s name with his Wikipedia linked.
I get the frustration. I waited years for Togo and his team to finally get the recognition they deserved but that doesn’t mean the other teams aren’t heroes. Every single dog (and human) from every team is a hero, same for anyone who helped along the way.
My female huskies name is Spirit
Kacoa is good name
i love cats and dogs alot but husky’s are adorable
Ok tnx for the names but im thinking to name my 2 huskies
Iris & Christina