101 Dalmatians Dog Names and Others from Disney
Published: Last updated: by Jessi LarsonPeople, young and old, across the world have watched Disney movies at some point in their lifetime. For nearly 90 years, the company has been producing memorable movies that maintain their popularity across generations. Children are now watching movies their parents and even grandparents enjoyed as kids!
When you’re looking for a dog name, Disney dogs are a great place to start. They’re classic, nostalgic, and well-known.
It may have been years since you watched your last Disney movie, so here’s a refresher on some of the most popular Disney dogs. We hope this helps you find the perfect dog name!
Let’s begin with 101 Dalmatians Dog Names. No list of Disney dog names is complete without these pups. Between the books, animated and live-action movies, and the subsequent promotional toys, there are more names than we can keep track of, so here’s a list of the most memorable.
101 Dalmatians Dog Names
The laid-back but protective father of the 101 Dalmatians.
Wife of Pongo and mom to the to the group of Dalmatian puppies.
The noisy, rowdy pup in the bunch.
Gets his name from the horseshoe ring on his back, and because in the original animated movie, he almost didn’t make it.
The plump, rolly polly puppy who’s always hungry. “I’m hungry, mother, I really am!”
The sweet, loving female pup always sitting by her father’s feet.
A male pup frequently perched on his father’s head.
A sweet boy with “the smallest spots of all.”
Other notable 101 Dalmatians dog names
- Blackie
- Blob
- Blot
- Bravo
- Bulgey
- Cadpig
- Corky
- Dipper
- Dipstick
- Dot
- Fidget
- Flapper
- Jewel
- Jolly
- Latch
- Lenny
- Nosey
- Pokey
- Puddles
- Purdy
- Salter
- Sleepy
- Smokey
- Spanky
- Spark
- Speedy
- Sport
- Spotty
- Swifty
- Thunder
- Tiger
- Two-Tone
- Wags
- Whitie
- Wizzer
- Yoyo
More Disney Dog Names
The Dalmatians weren’t the only famous Disney dogs, however. In addition to the 101 Dalmatians dog names, there’s plenty of other Disney dog names to choose from. Here’s a refresher on the other dogs of Disney:
Perhaps the most famous Disney dog of all is Pluto, Mickey’s trusty pal.
Another famous Disney dog is Goofy, the lovable friend to Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. He’s tall and klutzy but means well.
Did you know that Goofy had a son named Max?
As the protagonist of Lady and the Tramp, she is regal and refined.
He is the laid-back dog from the wrong side of the tracks in Lady and the Tramp.
The adorable son of Lady and Tramp.
The stuffy Scottish Terrier from Lady and the Tramp.
The pure, loving, and loyal protagonist from the 2008 movie of the same name.
A Coonhound/Bloodhound mix who serves as a main character in The Fox and the Hound.
Don’t forget about Nana, the lovable Newfoundland who takes care of the Darling children in Peter Pan.
The loyal, understanding pooch who is always there for Cinderella.
The street-smart Jack Russell terrier in Oliver & Company.
The vein, ditzy, spoiled poodle in Oliver & Company.
As the dog of Ratcliff in Pocahontas, Percy is an arrogant, spoiled pug.
Want other Disney names? Check out our article on Disney Dog Names! Or you can also find more name ideas using our dog name generator and check out our list of Dalmatian dog names if you have this breed.
you forgot oddball the 101 Dalmatian with no spots
No. She’s only in 102 dalmatians which in my opinion, that movie sucked. Because in the first movie, they kept all the puppies and their children and their children’s children and so on. So the second pretty much made no sense because Dipstick was kept in the first movie along with his kids and his kid’s kids and more.
I think penny’s a good name , but for a pug?
Max is Goofy’s son, but he’s also Prince Erik’s dog in Little Mermaid!
i think those names are good dog names for dogs
They forgot to name Scamp’s triplett sisters
These are really cute names!
I love this these are cute names
I just love the name Pongo it’s so fetch, lol!!!!!
I love the name Pepper but it should be for a girl name not a bit name
Damian is a name from 1O1 dalmatian street
Rolly is so fat ha ha ha. Love how pongo is the best pupper dad my fav name had got to be Damian tho
You guys forgot
Bolt, Dug, Fifi,