3 Tricks That Will Make Your Dog Look Like a Genius
Published: Last updated: by Jessi Larson Affiliate Disclosure: We hope you love the products we've recommended! As an Amazon Associate we earn a small share from qualifying purchases.Most dogs can do basic tricks, like sit or shake, but if you want your pup to really stand out, you’ve got to up their game and try some more advanced tricks.
That’s easy said than done, of course. But with a little bit of patience and a handful of treats, you can teach your dog a cool new trick in only a few days.
When picking out which new trick to teach your dog, let’s face it: some dog tricks are more impressive than others. So that why we’ve found three dog tricks that are sure to wow your friends and family and bring a smile to their face.
1. Walk together with you
How cute is this trick? You and your dog will look like professional circus performers!
The key to making it work is first ensuring your dog is comfortable standing between your legs. It is a little awkward, after all. The next step (no pun intended) is getting them to step on your feet and stay put. It’ll take a few tries to get it right and stay balanced. From there, the next move is to start walking together!
This may seem tricky, but with practice and lots of treats, you’ll get it in no time.
2. Balance on object on their head
People will surely be impressed when your dog starts balancing objects on their head. Most humans can’t do this, let alone dogs. But again, this is easier than you’d think.
How it works is that you slowly place an object (frisbees work great) on your pup’s head to get them used to having something there. Tell them to “leave it” and then reward them with a treat when they listen. Soon they’ll be a pro.
3. Say your prayers
This dog trick is beyond precious. Even if you’re not religious, you have to admit the sight of a dog saying their prayers is pretty darn cute.
In a nutshell, you first start by getting your dog to place their paws on your arm, and then you work on getting them to bow their head. It’s tough to explain – just watch the tutorial!
What do you think? Which trick would you teach to your dog first?