Your Dog Eats Too Fast? Get Your Pup to Eat More Slowly
Published: Last updated: by Jessi Larson Affiliate Disclosure: We hope you love the products we've recommended! As an Amazon Associate we earn a small share from qualifying purchases.Your dog eats too fast? Ours too!
What is it about some dogs? You give them food, and they gobble it down like they’ll never eat again.
Sometimes, it’s funny or cute; other times, it’s annoying.
The scary part, however, is that it can be downright dangerous for your dog’s health.
When a dog scarfs down food too quickly, this causes excessive air gets into their system. Irritating problems from this include upset stomach, vomiting, and excessive gas.
Even more seriously, eating too quickly increases the risk of choking, digestive problems, obesity, and gastric dilatation volvulus, also known as bloat.
Bloat occurs when gas builds up in a canine’s stomach and has no place to go, causing the stomach to swell and twist. Sadly, this condition is sometimes fatal. Symptoms include restlessness, increased heart rate, dry heaving, and excessive salivation.
If you think your dog has bloat, take them to the vet right away!
To prevent any harm from fast eating, though, try these tricks to get your pup to slooooooow down.
What’s the root of the problem?
Before you start solving the problem, the best thing to do is first find out what is causing it. Your dog eats too fast – why is that?
Some dogs are just naturally chow hounds, like Labradors, Basset Hounds, and Pugs.
But for other dogs, the issue can run deeper.
For example, a rescue dog that spent months wandering around scavenging for something to eat may instinctually wolf down the food at his new forever home out of habit, not realizing he will be fed regularly from here on out.
Or it could be an issue with other animals in the house. Your other dog may try to eat his food, so he feels he has to eat super quickly, or it will go away.
By identifying what’s wrong, you can find a solution that properly addresses the issue.
Give them small portions
If your dog has a giant bowl of food and chows down without coming up for air, they will just keep eating and eating and eating until they get sick.
Instead, only give your pup small portions at a time. Say your dog gets a cup of food at mealtime. First, give them a third of a cup. Once they’re done with that, fill the dish with another third, and so on. They will have to naturally take breaks between servings.
When your dog eats too fast, this is a great first step to get them to slow down.
Add an obstacle
You can also make it tougher for your dog to wolf down food by adding an obstacle! This is so easy yet so effective.
Take an object that isn’t big enough that it completely blocks your dog’s food but is also large enough that they won’t swallow it while eating. A tennis ball or can of soup will work perfectly.
You can also buy a smaller dog bowl and place it upside down in the larger one. Having these objects in the way naturally forces your dog to slow down and savor the food.
Get a slow-feed dog bowl
Many pet companies now manufacture food bowls specifically designed to help your dog eat more slowly.
How cool is that?
The designs of these slow-feed bowls will challenge your dog and discourage gluttonous habits.
for example:
A new use for a muffin tin
Or, if you don’t feel like buying a fancy new bowl, a standard muffin tin will do.
Put tiny portions of food in each slot. Your dog can only get to a few bites before lifting up and coming up for air between bites.
If your dog eats too fast, this is a great way to slow them down. And they may even have some fun in the process.
Use multiple bowls
Instead of one food bowl, take 2-4 bowls and fill them with portions of your dog’s meal.
Place them several feet apart so your dog has to take a break and head over to the next.
Again, it’s a way to get your pup to take natural breaks and relax their stomach between servings.
Raise the bowl
Another solution is to raise the height of the bowl. Grab a low table or chair and put your dog’s bowls on top.
This forces your dog to put their paws on the surface and lean upward, decreasing the air swallowed.
It’s also easier on their stomach and makes burping less painful.
Give them space
If you’ve found your dog’s issues, have more to do with the environment, says a fellow dog in the home that promotes aggressive eating or a lot of frenzied activity going on around them, you may find the right thing to do is sequester your dog away in a quiet room alone.
For some dogs, the calm atmosphere will help them relax and enjoy their food more slowly.
Stick with it
Changes take time. It may take a week or two to introduce a new eating method and see results. Have patience.
Your dog eats too fast now, but with these helpful tips, they’ll be forced to take their time and eat in a much safer and healthier way!
Conclusion: What to do when your dog eats too fast
It’s a common problem for dogs to eat too fast, especially when your pup is of a certain breed.
If your dog eats too fast, don’t stress. Try one or more of the ideas above and see what’s best for your pooch.
We guarantee at least one will work!
Hi. I have a one year old Dachshund I tried all the above. I even purchased two slow eating bowls. That didn’t work.
Hi I have a jack russel, when she eats her pellets she eats so slow but as soon as she het some rice and dry food she swallow’s it whole and probably did not even tasted what she eats how can I help her