Lhasa Apso

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Average size and lifespan

chihuahua silouette
great dane silouette
Height: 0ft 10in - 0ft 11in
Weight: 12-18lbs
Lifespan: 12 - 14 Years


  • Affection4/5
  • Kid-Friendly2/5
  • Stranger-Friendly3/5
  • Dog-Friendly3/5
  • Barking Amount3/5


  • Grooming Difficulty3/5
  • Shedding Amount1/5
  • Easy to Train3/5
  • Can Be Alone4/5
  • Exercise Need2/5


  • Cold Tolerance3/5
  • Heat Tolerance2/5
  • Apartment-Friendly5/5

Lhasa Apso Information

Lhasa ApsoThe Lhasa Apso is a sassy, smart, funny breed. Its cute little face and gorgeous cape of hair are hard to resist! Couple that with its mischievous, joyful personality and you’ve got a wonderful pet for any home.

Interestingly, this breed hails from the mysterious land of Tibet. Owners note his independent spirit and and calm demeanor, although he has been known to clown around with loved ones. His luscious coat – often black, cream, golden, white or red – is great to look at, but it does require frequent grooming.

All dogs have their own personality and unique training, causing them to differ slightly from these breed stats. However, please let us know if we made an error in the stats, we appreciate your help!

Breed FAQs

Can Lhasa Apsos be apartment dogs?

The Lhasa Apso is an excellent apartment dog. They don't need as much space for activity and will be happy in a condo or apartment.

Can Lhasa Apsos be left alone?

Lhasa Apsos do well when left alone for longer periods of time. They don't tend to have seperation anxiety issues. Just be sure to avoid being neglectful.

Are Lhasa Apsos good with kids?

Lhasa Apsos can be difficult to handle with the rowdy behavior of a child. They should be watched very closely.

Are Lhasa Apsos friendly with strangers?

Although Lhasa Apsos can take a bit to warm up to a stranger, they are mostly friendly with others.

Do Lhasa Apsos get along with other dogs?

Although Lhasa Apsos will mostly get along with other dogs, they may have some issues. They can typically be dealt with by socializing them with other dogs.

Do Lhasa Apsos bark a lot?

As far as dogs go, Lhasa Apsos bark an average amount. You can expect them to bark to alert you, get your attention, or when there are strangers or other dogs.

Do Lhasa Apsos shed a lot?

The Lhasa Apso rarely, or never, sheds. They're excellent for someone who doesn't want to clean up much dog hair.

Do Lhasa Apsos need a lot of grooming?

Although Lhasa Apsos require a medium amount of maintenance to keep their coats healthy. Simple tasks like brushing and bathing will suit this breed.

Do Lhasa Apsos need a lot of exercise?

Lhasa Apsos don't need a ton of exercise. You'll just need to provide some basic activity to keep them healthy.

Are Lhasa Apsos easy to train?

Although Lhasa Apsos can be a challenge to train, they can be taught with some dedicated work or by hiring some training help.

Can Lhasa Apsos handle cold weather?

Although Lhasa Apsos can handle the cold weather when out with you, they may not want to stay out for long periods of time.

Can Lhasa Apsos handle hot weather?

Be careful with Lhasa Apsos in the heat. They don't do well in hot climates for long periods.

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