Cirneco dell’Etna

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Average size and lifespan

chihuahua silouette
great dane silouette
Height: 1ft 5in - 1ft 8in
Weight: 18-26lbs
Lifespan: 12 - 14 Years


  • Affection4/5
  • Kid-Friendly3/5
  • Stranger-Friendly3/5
  • Dog-Friendly3/5
  • Barking Amount2/5


  • Grooming Difficulty1/5
  • Shedding Amount1/5
  • Easy to Train3/5
  • Can Be Alone3/5
  • Exercise Need3/5


  • Cold Tolerance3/5
  • Heat Tolerance3/5
  • Apartment-Friendly2/5

Cirneco dell’Etna Information

Cirneco dell EtnaIf you confused this breed with a Pharaoh Hound at first glance, you wouldn’t be the first person to make this mistake. The Cirneco dell’Etna is in fact a close relative of the Pharaoh Hound; the two breeds share a common ancestry as ancient dogs of the Mediterranean. The Cirneco dell’Etna has been present on the island of Sicily for more than 2,500 years and has evolved to physically adapt to the region.

As a pet, the Cirneco dell’Etna is affectionate and friendly. He also has an independent streak. To keep the Cirneco dell’Etna in tip top shape, make sure he gets lots of physical exercise and mental stimulation.

All dogs have their own personality and unique training, causing them to differ slightly from these breed stats. However, please let us know if we made an error in the stats, we appreciate your help!

Breed FAQs

Can Cirneco dell Etnas be apartment dogs?

The Cirneco dell Etna needs room to run and play. This makes them difficult to keep in small spaces like an apartment.

Can Cirneco dell Etnas be left alone?

While Cirneco dell Etnas prefer to be around their owners, they can do fairly well when left alone if necessary.

Are Cirneco dell Etnas good with kids?

Cirneco dell Etnas can do fine with kids. They will require some monitoring and training to make sure they get along and react well to unpredictable behavior.

Are Cirneco dell Etnas friendly with strangers?

Although Cirneco dell Etnas can take a bit to warm up to a stranger, they are mostly friendly with others.

Do Cirneco dell Etnas get along with other dogs?

Although Cirneco dell Etnas will mostly get along with other dogs, they may have some issues. They can typically be dealt with by socializing them with other dogs.

Do Cirneco dell Etnas bark a lot?

A Cirneco dell Etna will most often bark only when alerting about something. They likely need something or see a stranger if they're barking.

Do Cirneco dell Etnas shed a lot?

The Cirneco dell Etna rarely, or never, sheds. They're excellent for someone who doesn't want to clean up much dog hair.

Do Cirneco dell Etnas need a lot of grooming?

With a Cirneco dell Etna you won't need to dedicate any extra time to special grooming. Their coats are easy to deal with.

Do Cirneco dell Etnas need a lot of exercise?

A Cirneco dell Etna will need a moderate amount of exercise to be happy. You'll need to plan some basic walks or fetch during the day.

Are Cirneco dell Etnas easy to train?

Although Cirneco dell Etnas can be a challenge to train, they can be taught with some dedicated work or by hiring some training help.

Can Cirneco dell Etnas handle cold weather?

Although Cirneco dell Etnas can handle the cold weather when out with you, they may not want to stay out for long periods of time.

Can Cirneco dell Etnas handle hot weather?

Although Cirneco dell Etnas can tolerate hot conditions, be careful not to expose them for too long.

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