Cesky Terrier
Published: Last updated: by Kyle J. LarsonAverage size and lifespan
Weight: 13-25lbs
Lifespan: 10 - 15 Years
- Affection
- Kid-Friendly
- Stranger-Friendly
- Dog-Friendly
- Barking Amount
- Grooming Difficulty
- Shedding Amount
- Easy to Train
- Can Be Alone
- Exercise Need
- Cold Tolerance
- Heat Tolerance
- Apartment-Friendly
Cesky Terrier Information
This rare breed has a short and well-documented history. Frantisek Horak, a Czech breeder, decided to cross a Scottie and a Sealyham together in 1948 to create a dog more suitable for the forests of Bohemia. The result is the Cesky Terrier, a feisty, bold pup who can also be calm and mellow with his family. In fact, he’s a little more laid back than most Terriers.
The Cesky Terrier is a small, muscular dog with short legs and a long neck. Their coat comes in several different shades of gray with lighter markings. Note that their facial hair is wavy, giving the Cesky quite a unique ‘do!
All dogs have their own personality and unique training, causing them to differ slightly from these breed stats. However, please let us know if we made an error in the stats, we appreciate your help!
Breed FAQs
Can Cesky Terriers be apartment dogs?
Cesky Terriers aren't ideal for apartments, but might be able to live there successfully if there are enough opportunities to find larger spaces nearby to play.
Can Cesky Terriers be left alone?
While Cesky Terriers prefer to be around their owners, they can do fairly well when left alone if necessary.
Are Cesky Terriers good with kids?
Cesky Terriers do well with kids. As with any dog they should be monitored closely, they're unlikely to become aggressive.
Are Cesky Terriers friendly with strangers?
Although Cesky Terriers can take a bit to warm up to a stranger, they are mostly friendly with others.
Do Cesky Terriers get along with other dogs?
Although Cesky Terriers will mostly get along with other dogs, they may have some issues. They can typically be dealt with by socializing them with other dogs.
Do Cesky Terriers bark a lot?
As far as dogs go, Cesky Terriers bark an average amount. You can expect them to bark to alert you, get your attention, or when there are strangers or other dogs.
Do Cesky Terriers shed a lot?
The Cesky Terrier isn't a heavy shedder. Some limited brushing and occassional cleaning should help prevent much hair build-up.
Do Cesky Terriers need a lot of grooming?
Cesky Terriers don't require very much effort for grooming. You'll just need to provide typical maintenance and baths.
Do Cesky Terriers need a lot of exercise?
A Cesky Terrier will need a moderate amount of exercise to be happy. You'll need to plan some basic walks or fetch during the day.
Are Cesky Terriers easy to train?
Although Cesky Terriers can be a challenge to train, they can be taught with some dedicated work or by hiring some training help.
Can Cesky Terriers handle cold weather?
Although Cesky Terriers can handle the cold weather when out with you, they may not want to stay out for long periods of time.
Can Cesky Terriers handle hot weather?
Although Cesky Terriers can tolerate hot conditions, be careful not to expose them for too long.