Black Russian Terrier
Published: Last updated: by Kyle J. LarsonAverage size and lifespan
Weight: 80-127lbs
Lifespan: 10 - 11 Years
- Affection
- Kid-Friendly
- Stranger-Friendly
- Dog-Friendly
- Barking Amount
- Grooming Difficulty
- Shedding Amount
- Easy to Train
- Can Be Alone
- Exercise Need
- Cold Tolerance
- Heat Tolerance
- Apartment-Friendly
Black Russian Terrier Information
Talk about a big guy! The Black Russian Terrier weighs in at 140 pounds and stands as high as 30” in the shoulder. On top of this, they have a huge, blocky head and heavy black coat to keep them warm in the coldest climates.
This powerful, intelligent dog can be aloof with strangers but is very warm and loving toward people he trusts. In fact, he serves as a great protector. If you have extra room and want a large, exotic dog no one else has, this is the breed for you.
All dogs have their own personality and unique training, causing them to differ slightly from these breed stats. However, please let us know if we made an error in the stats, we appreciate your help!
Breed FAQs
Can Black Russian Terriers be apartment dogs?
Black Russian Terriers aren't ideal for apartments, but might be able to live there successfully if there are enough opportunities to find larger spaces nearby to play.
Can Black Russian Terriers be left alone?
While Black Russian Terriers prefer to be around their owners, they can do fairly well when left alone if necessary.
Are Black Russian Terriers good with kids?
Black Russian Terriers can be difficult to handle with the rowdy behavior of a child. They should be watched very closely.
Are Black Russian Terriers friendly with strangers?
Black Russian Terriers tend to be very slow to warm up to strangers. They require long periods of exposure before they will trust somone.
Do Black Russian Terriers get along with other dogs?
Black Russian Terriers aren't usually friendly with other dogs. They tend to not get along unless carefully socialized.
Do Black Russian Terriers bark a lot?
As far as dogs go, Black Russian Terriers bark an average amount. You can expect them to bark to alert you, get your attention, or when there are strangers or other dogs.
Do Black Russian Terriers shed a lot?
Black Russian Terriers shed a medium amount. They will have seasonal shedding, but aren't terrible to clean up after.
Do Black Russian Terriers need a lot of grooming?
The Black Russian Terrier requires continued maintenance to keep their coats in healthy condition. They're not the most demanding but are on the higher end.
Do Black Russian Terriers need a lot of exercise?
The Black Russian Terrier has a good amount of energy and will need to be exercised with some walks and play to keep them happy.
Are Black Russian Terriers easy to train?
The Black Russian Terrier is smart and extremely trainable. They will learn commands quickly and love the bond of training with their owner.
Can Black Russian Terriers handle cold weather?
Black Russian Terriers do well in cold weather. You may need to protect their paws, but they'll do well in colder climates.
Can Black Russian Terriers handle hot weather?
Although Black Russian Terriers can tolerate hot conditions, be careful not to expose them for too long.