Anatolian Shepherd Dog

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Average size and lifespan

chihuahua silouette
great dane silouette
Height: 2ft 2in - 2ft 5in
Weight: 80-150lbs
Lifespan: 11 - 13 Years


  • Affection3/5
  • Kid-Friendly2/5
  • Stranger-Friendly1/5
  • Dog-Friendly2/5
  • Barking Amount3/5


  • Grooming Difficulty2/5
  • Shedding Amount3/5
  • Easy to Train2/5
  • Can Be Alone3/5
  • Exercise Need3/5


  • Cold Tolerance5/5
  • Heat Tolerance3/5
  • Apartment-Friendly1/5

Anatolian Shepherd Dog Information

Anatolian Shepherd DogThe Anatolian Shepherd is a working dog bred to guard and protect livestock. Rugged and powerful, this pup isn’t glamorous by any means, but he is loyal and affectionate with his immediate family, acting as a great protector.

It’s hard to believe, but this breed may be over 6,000 years old. Tracing its origins back to Turkey, the Anatolian Shepherd helped shepherds protect their flocks from predators.

Today the breed just barely makes the top 100 list of most popular dogs in America. They do best if they have a big yard to play in, go on regular walks or have something or someone to protect.

All dogs have their own personality and unique training, causing them to differ slightly from these breed stats. However, please let us know if we made an error in the stats, we appreciate your help!

Breed FAQs

Can Anatolian Shepherd Dogs be apartment dogs?

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs don't do very well in apartments. It's recommended to look at another breed better suited to apartment-living.

Can Anatolian Shepherd Dogs be left alone?

While Anatolian Shepherd Dogs prefer to be around their owners, they can do fairly well when left alone if necessary.

Are Anatolian Shepherd Dogs good with kids?

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs can be difficult to handle with the rowdy behavior of a child. They should be watched very closely.

Are Anatolian Shepherd Dogs friendly with strangers?

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs tend to be very slow to warm up to strangers. They require long periods of exposure before they will trust somone.

Do Anatolian Shepherd Dogs get along with other dogs?

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs aren't usually friendly with other dogs. They tend to not get along unless carefully socialized.

Do Anatolian Shepherd Dogs bark a lot?

As far as dogs go, Anatolian Shepherd Dogs bark an average amount. You can expect them to bark to alert you, get your attention, or when there are strangers or other dogs.

Do Anatolian Shepherd Dogs shed a lot?

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs shed a medium amount. They will have seasonal shedding, but aren't terrible to clean up after.

Do Anatolian Shepherd Dogs need a lot of grooming?

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs don't require very much effort for grooming. You'll just need to provide typical maintenance and baths.

Do Anatolian Shepherd Dogs need a lot of exercise?

A Anatolian Shepherd Dog will need a moderate amount of exercise to be happy. You'll need to plan some basic walks or fetch during the day.

Are Anatolian Shepherd Dogs easy to train?

Most Anatolian Shepherd Dogs are stubborn and will take extra work to train. They can still learn trained behaviors, but will take more effort.

Can Anatolian Shepherd Dogs handle cold weather?

If you live in a cold climate, Anatolian Shepherd Dogs will do extremely well and may even enjoy being outside in the chilly weather.

Can Anatolian Shepherd Dogs handle hot weather?

Although Anatolian Shepherd Dogs can tolerate hot conditions, be careful not to expose them for too long.

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