10 Dog Crafts Projects That Are Easier Than You Think
Published: Last updated: by Jessi LarsonAfter a year and a half in our “new” house, my husband and I are FINALLY getting around to decorating. Sure, we’ve arranged things how we like and put up a few prints that we each had at our former houses. But our home is lacking the character and warmth that photos and personalized decorations like these dog crafts can bring.
I’ve been spending a lot of time on Pinterest for inspiration. And I’ve noticed that there are many cool – and easy – projects with a dog theme. As a dog lover, I’m all in for these dog crafts!
Here are the 10 best dog DIY projects you can do today with little to no crafting ability. Which is excellent, because when it comes to crafts, I’m a hot mess!
1. DIY Framed Paw Print
Found at Southern Wag Pet Accessories
This craft project is simple and creates a perfectly personalized piece for your house. You dip your dog’s paw in non-toxic ink, place it on a piece of paper, then wash the paw right away. From there, it’s a matter of mixing different prints and paper to find a combo that’s right for the room.
2. White and Gold Pawprint Christmas Ornament
Found at Dogvills
Looking to add a little personalized pizzazz to your Christmas tree? This easy-peasy project is a great way to commemorate your dog while celebrating the holidays.
3. Dog Paw Print Flowers
Found at Party Pinching
You gotta love this lovely craft project. Yes, it includes a pawprint but with a beautiful, creative twist. As far as difficiculty goes, this is actually much easier than you’d think.
4. Custom Locket of Your Pet’s Print
Found at A Thrifter in Disguise
A locket or keychain with your dog’s pawprint is the perfect way to keep your dog close at all times, especially when they’ve passed away and aren’t here physically anymore. Use computer software to shrink down the paw and experiment with different types of jewelry to create something that fits your taste and style.
5. Dog Print Picture Frame
Found at So Not Donna Reed
This is the last pawprint project, I promise! The project above from So Not Donna Reed is a clean, modern way to showcase your beloved furbaby in your home.
6. Pets on Parade Silhouette
Found at Better Homes & Gardens
How cute is this artwork? And the best part is you can create these in the form of the dog or dogs in your life. Simply print out a photo of your dog at a side angle and trace that form onto fabric. Voila!
7. Custom Pet Silhouette Pillow Cover
Found at Positively Splendid
Since we’re talking about pet silhouettes, another idea is to transfer their image onto a throw pillow. The tutorial from Positively Splendid shows you exactly how.
8. Easy DIY Dog Lover Coasters
Found at Spencer the Goldendoodle
Call me uncouth, but I never knew the importance of coasters until I reached my 30s and started buying better quality furniture, not just $10 IKEA specials. Now we use coasters all the time.
With that in mind, this might just be my favorite project on this list. You simply take birch wood disks (available at Michael’s and other craft stores) and use stencils to paint on fun dog-themed shapes. That’s it!
9. Upcycled Dog Treats Jar
Found at Suburbia Unwrapped
Most people keep their dog treats either in the box or in boring plastic containers. Jazz it up with this DIY dog treat jar! It’s super easy to do and adds a nice bit of flair to the kitchen.
10. DIY Dog String Art
When it comes to difficulty level, the projects above could be classified as beginner. This one is a tad tougher. But still a very doable project. Watch the video tutorial for more info.
So which project floats your boat? Any one you’d like to try?
1 Comment
What type of paint do you need for the crafts with paint?